Texts and presentations:
Same Earth Twice (for Earth by Musique Infinie, released by Hallow Ground, 2024)
„Eine wunderbare Aufstandsgeste“: Zur Ästhetik der Zwischentitel in Harun Farockis „Über ‚Song of Ceylon‘ von Basil Wright“ (Rosa Mercedes, 2023)
Was war, was bleibt (in collaboration with Caroline Schöbi for kolik.film, 2022)
Harun Farocki, freier Mitarbeiter: Working For and Against Public Broadcasting in the Mid-1970s (in conversation with Volker Pantenburg for Arrangements at HSLU, Luzern CH, 2022)
Das Zweikammersystem (in collaboration with Selina Sigg for Vinzenz Meyner's exhibition at Galerie DuflonRacz, Bern CH, 2019)