Artworks and designs (selection):
Katelyn Clark & Mitch Renaud: Ouroboros (forthcoming, Hallow Ground)
T-Shirt Take Your Time for Frederik (CH 2024: s/r)
Frederik: Take Your Time (CH 2024, s/r)
Simina Oprescu: Sound of Matter (CH 2024: Hallow Ground)
Musique Infinie: Earth (CH 2024: Hallow Ground)
Martina Berther / Philipp Schlotter: Matt (CH 2023: Hallow Ground)
Mattias Petersson: Triangular Progressions (CH 2023: Hallow Ground)
Matthias Puech: Mt. Hadamard National Park (CH 2023: Hallow Ground)
Spellcaster: fanart2 (CH 2022: Les Archives de la Médiocrité)
Frederik: Portraits (DK 2021: Visage)
T-shirt T'u for T-u (CH 2020: Edipo Re)
Rolf Laureijs/Laurin Huber: Work Trance/Pilgrim State (CH 2020: Edipo Re)
T-shirt Tears (you know) for Frederik (CH 2018: Oh, Sister Records)
Frederik: Tears (you know) (CH 2018: Oh, Sister Records)